Fabienne encouraged the students saying that art does not have to be perfect, it’s all about concealing the mistakes and to move on. She also provided space to them to confidentially draw outside the lines. Drawing functions as a safety net, giving them the feeling of being “normal.” Her goal is to combine education, self-esteem, and quality of life in each experience with her students. The students got inspired by famous artists and their works, then they used different color mediums, oils, thinner etc., to create their artwork. 🎭 The different faces the students drew, were a tale of distinctive appearances, expressions, and gestures of the faces they identified, through collective images and understanding the emotions in their own way 💛        

Workshop With Belgian Artist

We had a very special art workshop for our students last week with Ms. Fabienne Francotte, a Belgian Artist, in preparation for the French Spring Festival #FSF19

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